Governance system

Iren Group’s governance is based on shared rules that inspire and direct strategies and corporate activities. The instruments adopted guarantee respect for ethical values, principles and behaviours within an industrial model that plans for sustainable growth.


In order to ensure consistency between behaviours and strategies, Iren has adopted a system of internal rules that configure a corporate governance model based on the division of responsibilities and on a balanced relationship between management and control, which guarantees that risks and opportunities are duly taken into account in the decision-making processes, contributes to spreading the corporate culture at all levels and enhancing skills, increasing awareness among internal resources and contractors that the Group plays a vital role in creating value for the community.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics is a tool prepared by Iren to define the behavioural principles and the values of business ethics that Iren and its subsidiaries recognise, accept, share and apply, and the set of responsibilities that they, as well as their respective employees and collaborators, adopt in internal and external relations. 

Sustainability Policy

Iren's Sustainability Policy is defined to guide the Group's decisions and to make concrete commitments to ensure the responsible management of the business. It is developed to guide the integration of sustainability issues at strategic and operational levels and to foster awareness of the Group commitments in pursuing sustainable development in the medium and long term.

Managing and monitoring major business risks, in order to contribute to the sustainable success of the entire Group, is the goal of the Internal Control and Risk Management System (“SCIGR”). The Board of Directors defines the guidelines of the SCIGR and assesses its adequacy with respect to the characteristics of the enterprise and the directions expressed in the guidelines.

ESG and Climate Risks

The risk management system integrates within it, in line with the governance and strategy adopted by the Group, the assessment of sustainability aspects. For each risk category, provided in the Group’s Risk Map, environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts are assessed. Of particular importance are the risks and opportunities related to climate change, for which a special Risk Policy has been developed. 

ESG and climate risks

ESG and climate risks

Governance policies and tools

231 Model and Corporate Administrative Responsibility 

The Company has adopted an Organisation, Management and Control Model, by a resolution of the Board of Directors, which formalises, in a nutshell, the set of measures aimed at preventing the crimes set forth in Legislative Decree 231/2001, as part of the activities identified as sensitive to the potential risk of the commission of an offense referred to in that decree.

Tax strategy

The Group pursues a tax strategy inspired by principles of honesty, correctness and regulatory compliance, pursuing behaviou geared toward compliance with the tax regulations applicable to the country in which it operates

Remuneration policies

The remuneration policy is a key tool for pursuing the Group’s strategic objectives and generating of sustainable value in the short, medium and long-term periods.

Sustainable finance 

Starting in 2017, Iren Group embarked on sustainable finance to support sustainable investment strategies, accessible thanks to the positive environmental and social benefits of the planned and achieved investments.

Human Rights

Iren Group supports the principles of the UN Global Compact, to which it adheres, and considers the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO)1 as indispensable, as well as the Earth Charter drawn up by the Earth Council. The principles and policies adopted by Iren Group are, moreover, aligned with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, endorsed by the Italian State.

Management system

Iren Group strives to offer its customers and residents service efficiency, effectiveness, economic convenience and high quality, operating with expertise and professionalism in full respect of the environment and safety, contributing to the well-being of its personnel and the

Certified integrated management system

Certified integrated management system