Proud of who we are and who we will be

Iren is one of the most important and dynamic multiutility companies in the Italian panorama, active in the electricity, gas, district heating, integrated water services management, environmental services and technology services sectors. An eco-friendly energy producer for about 73% of its electricity production and the first national operator in the district heating sector by marketed thermal energy: our high technological know-how, combined with our vocation for reliability, innovation and rootedness in the territory, allows us to operate under the banner of quality and attention to the needs of customers and citizens.

For you, 

every day.

We inhabit the territories and take care of them

Iren is the energy producer active in a multi-regional area with more than 8,600 employees, a portfolio of over 1.9 million customers in the energy sector, approximately 2.8 million residents served in the integrated water cycle and more than 3.1 million residents in the environmental cycle.

We offer capillary services 

Iren is an industrial holding company with headquarters in Reggio Emilia and operating hubs in Genoa, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Turin, La Spezia and Vercelli.

The parent company Iren is in charge of strategic, administrative, development, coordination and control activities, while four companies oversee activities by business sector.

Iren Energia

Active in thermal and electric energy production, district heating management, public street lighting, traffic light systems and technology services.

Iren Mercato

Operating in the field of procurement and sale of electricity, gas and heat for district heating.


Operating in electricity, gas and water distribution networks.

Iren Acqua

Operating in the management of integrated water services.

Iren Ambiente

Raccolta dei rifiuti, igiene urbana, progettazione e gestione degli impianti di trattamento e smaltimento rifiuti e nei servizi commerciali e altri collegati.

Iren Ambiente

Dealing with waste collection, urban hygiene, the design and management of waste treatment and disposal plants and in commercial and other connected services.

Innovation guides us

Iren has a high level of technological know-how that, combined with a vocation for reliability, innovation and rootedness in the territory, allows it to operate under the banner of quality and attention to the needs of customers and citizens. Therefore, we offer integrated energy efficiency services and technology solutions through Iren Smart Solutions.


All information regarding the stock market and financial performance, at your disposal.