
Company Profile

Our business model aims to merge development and sustainability into a single value. Everyday, we provide services and create infrastructure to improve and enhance local territories, in full respect of natural resources, the environment and customer citizens.

Company strategy

The Iren Group aims to be the reference partner in the area, to establish itself as leader in the ecological transition and to be the first choice of stakeholders for the highest levels of service quality offered.

Stock in the stock market

Iren's real-time stock quotes and information on stock performance, dividends, market capitalisation, and changes in share capital. Go to the section to learn more.

Title performance

Financial calendar

Do not miss the events of the Iren Group. To learn about all corporate events for the current year, visit the dedicated section.

Upcoming Event

November 9, 2023

Board of Directors’ meeting: financial statements and consolidated financial statements at December 31st, 2023.

Below will be featured the link to connect to the event

Financial Profile

The Iren Group makes available all information on its financial profile, with particular reference to debt, credit rating, bond issues, and balance sheet. Access the in-depth page to learn more about the issues.

Risk Management

The Enterprise Risk Management model is one of the main elements of the System of Internal Control and Risk Management (SCIGR). Learn more about the model, activities, the role of the Risk Management Department, and find out what the different types of risk are.

Financial Statements and Presentations

See the documents used by Iren when presenting its Business Plan, economic and financial results, and during meetings with investors. Financial report, analyst presentation, webcasting link, and press releases are available and can be downloaded.

ESG Rating 

A strategic tool to support investors and identify risks and opportunities, in terms of sustainability, in their investment portfolio.

See ESG ratings issued by major rating agencies.

Financial press releases

Notice of Filing of Information Document on a Related Party Transaction of Greater Significance
Iren S.p.A. hereby announces that the information document, together with its annexes, relating to a transaction with a related party qualified as significant, concerning the amendment of the agreement between Rigenera Materiali s.r.l. and Amiu Genova S. p.A. relating to the concession for the design, construction, management and operation under project financing, pursuant to Article 183, paragraph 15, of Legislative Decree no. 50 of 18 April 2016, of the mechanical-biological treatment plant of RUW (residual urban waste) with recovery of materials and production of SSF (Secondary solid fuel) serving the Genoa area at the Scarpino plant hub.
Iren Group: Change to the annual calendar of corporate events 2024 and update of the policy for managing dialogue with shareholders and investors
Pursuant to current legislation, Iren announces that the calendar of scheduled corporate events for 2024, partially amending the one already published on 20 December 2023, will be as follows:
Iren underwrites two credit lines totaling €200 million linked to the achievement of sustainable targets
IREN has signed with Unicredit and BPER two Sustainability linked revolving credit facilities (RCF) in the form of "committed" lines for a total amount of €200 million with a duration of 3 years.
Iren successfully issues fifth green bond totalling 500 million euros
Received orders for more than 4.7 billion, about 10 times the amount offered.
Notification of the total amount of voting rights

The table in the attachment shows the data relating to the outstanding shares and the number of voting rights as at 1 December 2023.

Iren Group: 2024 corporate events calendar
Pursuant to current legislation, Iren announces that the calendar relating to the planned corporate events for 2024 will be as follows:
Iren, the Board of Directors approves the fiscal year results at 30 September 2023
Strong EBITDA growth +13%, driven by margin recovery in the Market BU, organic growth in regulated businesses and full integration of acquired companies. Net profit up (+26%). More than EUR 780 million of investments (+4%) in the period earmarked for the efficiency upgrading of distribution networks, the development of waste treatment plants and energy efficiency projects.
Iren – Mr. Giovanni Gazza appointed as new Officer in charge of preparing the corporate financial reports as of 1 December 2023
Iren announces that today the Board of Directors, after receiving the favourable opinion of the Board of Statutory Auditors and after verifying the requirements set forth by the Bylaws, resolved to appoint Mr. Giovanni Gazza as Manager in charge of drawing up the corporate financial reports pursuant to art. 154-bis of Legislative Decree 58/1998, as of 1 December 2023 (date on which he will also take on the position of Group CFO).
Iren and Sienambiente strengthen the partnership
The Shareholders' Meeting of Sienambiente was held today in Siena and approved the new statute of the Company, following the signing of shareholder agreements between the shareholders of Iren Ambiente Toscana, the Province of Siena and the Municipalities of Siena which thus confirm the strategic partnership in environmental sector with the Iren Group.


Head of Investor Relations

Giulio Domma

Investor Relations


Alex Corradini

Investor Relations 


Carlotta Scarrone