
News, press releases, downloadable press kit and useful contacts: everything you need to know about the latest updates from the world of Iren and get in touch with us.

Press release

Notice of Filing of Information Document on a Related Party Transaction of Greater Significance
Iren S.p.A. hereby announces that the information document, together with its annexes, relating to a transaction with a related party qualified as significant, concerning the amendment of the agreement between Rigenera Materiali s.r.l. and Amiu Genova S. p.A. relating to the concession for the design, construction, management and operation under project financing, pursuant to Article 183, paragraph 15, of Legislative Decree no. 50 of 18 April 2016, of the mechanical-biological treatment plant of RUW (residual urban waste) with recovery of materials and production of SSF (Secondary solid fuel) serving the Genoa area at the Scarpino plant hub.
Iren Group: Change to the annual calendar of corporate events 2024 and update of the policy for managing dialogue with shareholders and investors
Pursuant to current legislation, Iren announces that the calendar of scheduled corporate events for 2024, partially amending the one already published on 20 December 2023, will be as follows:
Iren underwrites two credit lines totaling €200 million linked to the achievement of sustainable targets
IREN has signed with Unicredit and BPER two Sustainability linked revolving credit facilities (RCF) in the form of "committed" lines for a total amount of €200 million with a duration of 3 years.
Notice of Filing of Information Document on a Related Party Transaction of Greater Significance
Iren S.p.A. hereby announces that the information document, together with its annexes, relating to a transaction with a related party qualified as significant, concerning the amendment of the agreement between Rigenera Materiali s.r.l. and Amiu Genova S. p.A. relating to the concession for the design, construction, management and operation under project financing, pursuant to Article 183, paragraph 15, of Legislative Decree no. 50 of 18 April 2016, of the mechanical-biological treatment plant of RUW (residual urban waste) with recovery of materials and production of SSF (Secondary solid fuel) serving the Genoa area at the Scarpino plant hub.
Iren Group: Change to the annual calendar of corporate events 2024 and update of the policy for managing dialogue with shareholders and investors
Pursuant to current legislation, Iren announces that the calendar of scheduled corporate events for 2024, partially amending the one already published on 20 December 2023, will be as follows:
Iren underwrites two credit lines totaling €200 million linked to the achievement of sustainable targets
IREN has signed with Unicredit and BPER two Sustainability linked revolving credit facilities (RCF) in the form of "committed" lines for a total amount of €200 million with a duration of 3 years.

Press kit

Company Profile

We work to give territories, communities and people the right boost to grow: discover our commitment.

Brand identity

Our visual identity represents our values: the Iren Group logo, consisting of the wave pictogram, represents its main element.


From management to plants, up to local offices and major initiatives: a selection of high-resolution images ready to use.


From LinkedIn to Instagram to Twitter and Spotify: the Group's presence on social media.


Director of Communications and External Relations

Francesco Castellone

The brand strategy of the Iren Group is handled by the Communication and External Relations Department, which develops, directs and coordinates communication projects and initiatives aimed at institutional stakeholders, citizens and media operators both nationally and locally.


The Communication and External Relations Department defines and builds the digital and media identity, the correct positioning of the Group in the on-offline ecosystem, ensuring a transparent and constant flow of communication towards the media and, more generally, towards all stakeholders, through the development and management of digital channels, the creation and management of institutional, advertising and commercial campaigns, the organization of public and institutional events, internal communication, the development and management of environmental education and solidarity projects, as well as of special projects and external events aimed at strengthening the link between Iren and the local area.


In June 2023, for the third consecutive year, the Group obtained the BIC - Best in Media Communication certification, which scientifically certifies the impact of corporate communication through media positioning and the quality of relations with the various newsrooms.


Contacts for the press:


All requests that go beyond the needs of the press office will not be taken care of. To send a sponsorship request to the Iren Group, you can visit the dedicated website.

Media Relations and content factory

Brand strategy, digital e sponsorship

Communication and internal events



Emilia area communication

Liguria area communication

Piemonte area communication



Iren S.p.A. hereby announces that the information document, together with its annexes, relating to a transaction with a related party qualified as significant, concerning the amendment of the agreement between Rigenera Materiali s.r.l. and Amiu Genova S. p.A. relating to the concession for the design, construction, management and operation under project financing, pursuant to Article 183, paragraph 15, of Legislative Decree no. 50 of 18 April 2016, of the mechanical-biological treatment plant of RUW (residual urban waste) with recovery of materials and production of SSF (Secondary solid fuel) serving the Genoa area at the Scarpino plant hub.
Pursuant to current legislation, Iren announces that the calendar of scheduled corporate events for 2024, partially amending the one already published on 20 December 2023, will be as follows:
IREN has signed with Unicredit and BPER two Sustainability linked revolving credit facilities (RCF) in the form of "committed" lines for a total amount of €200 million with a duration of 3 years.
Received orders for more than 4.7 billion, about 10 times the amount offered.


Terra Madre Salone del gusto 2022

Un’esperienza pensata per scoprire la Rigenerazione degli scarti e la Transizione Ecologica attraverso l’uso dei cinque sensi.

IREN presents Planets B at the Turin International Book Fair

A “fake” publishing house to raise awareness for the ecological transition

Get into the green

For Iren, acting sustainably does not only mean working every day for the ecological transition of territories, it also means creating value for communities by pursuing the most formidable passions.

Shaping Tomorrow: the Business Plan to 2030 with a new positioning

On the occasion of the presentation of the Business Plan to 2030, Iren launched the “Let’s shape tomorrow every day” campaign.


A clear and precise message that aims to enhance Iren's ten-year vision and tell the story of its investment focus: to work every day for the sustainable future of the territories and to become the reference partner for the communities, through the daily commitment of Iren's more than 9,000 employees.