Sensations and


Iren Group at Terra Madre


Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2022

26 September 2022

When and where?

From 22 to 26 September, Iren is present at Terra Madre - Salone del Gusto with a stand (SP 1B) dedicated to SENSATIONS AND REGENERATION offering the opportunity for an experiential discovery, at a slow pace, with taste and respect for the Environment.

The aim is to provide concrete support for the event: a support that is based on the consonance between the values of the company and those of the event, which for years has focused on the themes of sustainability, ecological transition and communities.


An experience designed to discover Waste Regeneration and Ecological Transition through the use of the five senses.


What does regeneration mean?

For Iren means giving waste a new life: a challenge set to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 by translating it into widespread benefit. Investing in the culture of regeneration to support a sustainable and waste-free economy. Together with you, we can make a difference.


Regeneration starts right from our stand and the waste collection, disposal and recycling services we have activated for the duration of the event.

Our commitment

Every day, Iren Group is committed to providing services to citizens and businesses, along with solutions to the challenges posed by the ecological transition. An approach to sustainability made up of clear policies that see waste as an opportunity. For the Iren Group, regeneration is “shaping tomorrow every day”.


Of the waste you dispose of, nothing goes to waste!





Green energy

Regenerated water

I was an apple core

Organic and green waste as an opportunity

Frutta, verdura, gusci d’uovo, avanzi alimentari, sfalci dei giardini, potature: tutto quello che viene raccolto con i servizi Iren può trasformarsi in un’importante risorsa per il nostro territorio. Dalla raccolta dei rifiuti organici e dei rifiuti verdi, che rappresenta il 40% dei nostri rifiuti, è possibile produrre l’energia necessaria per muovere autobus e automobili, riscaldare abitazioni e realizzare compost di qualità. Dagli scarti alle nuove risorse: replicando il ciclo naturale di trasformazione vengono generati biometano e compost.

Biomethane: clean energy for people

100% Renewable and carbon-neutral energy, more commonly referred to as the “fuel of the future”, the aim is to replace non-renewable fossil fuels in order to avoid the emission of tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.

Enhancing biomethane production in our country would allow 8% of the national gas consumption to be covered.



Compost: nourishing the earth

Noble soil conditioner, good for agronomic practices, rich in nutrients and usable in organic farming. Did you know that you can also produce it through home composting? If you don't have a place to put the compost bin, contribute to the collection of organic waste. The Earth thanks you.


Would you like to know what happens to your organic waste?

I was a salad bag

The new lives of plastic

Careful and conscious collection is the best way to give new life to plastic. In addition to the best-known recyclates that are now part of our lives (how warm our fleece is in winter), I.BLU - an Iren Group Company - uses innovative and patented processes to sort the collected mixed plastics and recycle them into Circular Raw Materials.

BLUAIR® / The green evolution of steel

It is a Secondary Raw Material, derived from sorting, treatment and recycling processes of post-consumer plastics otherwise destined for disposal, used as a reducing agent in steel production to replace coal.

The advantages of its use are manifold: reduction of CO2 emissions by more than 35% compared to the use of other plastics; reduction in the use of carbon in industrial processes, increased production process efficiency and increased recycling of plastics.

BLUPOLYMER® / Environmentally friendly cities

It is a Secondary Raw Material, derived from sorting, treatment and recycling processes of post-consumer plastics otherwise destined for disposal.

Used in the production of high-performance asphalts, construction, industrial, automotive, urban and residential products and used in the production of roads, industrial areas, logistics centres and airports. There are several advantages of its use in the industry: it increases the strength and durability of the asphalt, promotes the creation of urban areas with less environmental impact.



I was a pallet

We cherish wood

Every year, around 50 million wooden pallets are produced in Italy. They represent the most commonly used packaging for the transport and storage of goods, and account for more than half of the packaging produced by the wood industry.

The recycled wood pallet production plant of ASM Vercelli S.p.A. - Company of the Iren Group, it will be the first plant in Italy for the production of pressed pallets from recycled wood coming exclusively from separate waste collection.



A 100% sustainable production plant

By avoiding the felling and cutting down of 115,000 trees each year, and by continuing to make significant use of the wood fractions from waste sorting, 110,000 tonnes of wood per year converted into pallets and pallet blocks can be achieved when fully operational.

The pressed pallet has infinite reusability and recyclability and has a structure that guarantees greater resistance to deformation.


Compared to traditional pallet blocks (made from the valuable part of the tree trunk, i.e. virgin wood), pallet blocks have greater resistance to nails and deformation, as well as a lower production cost. When fully operational, ASM Vercelli's plant will be able to produce up to 750,000 pallets and approximately 135,000 cubic metres of pallet blocks annually.


Would you like to discover all the advantages of the pressed pallet and pallet block?


I was a mattress

A new value chain

Every year, 5 million mattresses are discarded in Italy, which is equivalent to 21 thousand tonnes of polyurethane destined so far only for disposal. Thanks to innovative recycling processes, the collected and sorted materials are reintroduced into the market as Secondary Raw Materials fully comparable to virgin polyurethane.

Recovery and reuse of a mattress

A new material consisting of polyurethane foam derived from the agglomeration of the waste components of upholstered products. Your old mattress thus becomes recycled and recyclable several times. The benefits on our planet can be measured in 21,000 tonnes of CO2 saved each year, because also our planet is entitled to a good night's sleep!



Would you like to know more about the transformation of used mattresses into second raw material?

Green energy

It is possible to produce well and make better use of the energy we need. More than 74% of the energy the Iren Group produces is green. Hydroelectricity, cogeneration, waste-to-energy are part of our history. Decarbonisation, renewables, photovoltaics, biomethane, high efficiency and energy upgrading are the words of our present and future. Attention is also paid to the management of facilities and services, without forgetting that energy can also come from regeneration processes, thanks to an energy-efficient circular economy.



We are proud of who we are and who we will be.

Regenerated water and saved energy

Water purifiers can turn into “springs”: factories of quality water that regenerate waste water to allow for a new use.


This is what happens at the Iren plant in Mancasale (Reggio Emilia), one of the first built in Italy and now completely renovated. A state-of-the-art water purification plant with an advanced tertiary treatment system delivers 7 billion litres of water each year (from March to September) to the area's valuable crops. A concrete response to the increasingly frequent periods of drought and an opportunity to save resources, because the recovered water is distributed by gravity using the network of canals of the Reclamation, thus avoiding the pumping of more water from the Po river. A plant that is also a Park: the PAD, Purified Water Park, an eco-industrial area with an inclusive visitor route.

In its Business Plan @2030, Iren plans to double the plant's flow rate and with it the amount of water delivered, with an investment of 4 million euro: from 7 million cubic metres of water recovered per year, this will rise to 14 million directly usable in agriculture during the irrigation season.



Would you like to find out more about the Mancasale waste water treatment plant?

A 100% regenerable stand

An event is sustainable when “it is designed, planned and implemented in a way that minimises negative impact on the environment and leaves a positive legacy for the host community”.


The stand was designed and built to be in line with the criteria of environmental sustainability, reusable structures, regenerated materials, prints on organic material were selected, and locally sourced fruit and plants were chosen.



was conceived by Eduiren, the educational sector of the Iren Group with the collaboration of:


FRC – Fondazione Reggio Children Centro Loris Malaguzzi

Pause – L’Atelier dei sapori

Remida – Centro di riciclaggio creativo