
Shaping Tomorrow: the Business Plan to 2030 with a new positioning

11 November 2021

For the next 10 years we have a plan

On the occasion of the presentation of the Business Plan to 2030, Iren launched the “Let’s shape tomorrow every day” campaign.


A clear and precise message that aims to enhance Iren's ten-year vision and tell the story of its investment focus: to work every day for the sustainable future of the territories and to become the reference partner for the communities, through the daily commitment of Iren's more than 9,000 employees.


On air from 12 November 2021 in the main national daily newspapers and supported by a related digital communication plan, the campaign offers an overview of the key values of the Business Plan.


The number “10”, the pivot of the campaign, symbolically recalls the vision horizon of the most ambitious investment plan in Iren's history, which, with a total amount of EUR 12.7 billion, concretises the long-term strategy. 


Even the graphical layout responds to the objective of the Business Plan: broken down into different subjects, it depicts the key values and, thanks to a QR code, offers the reader the possibility of enhancing the experience by accessing an overall view that unites the different lines included in each subject.


The strategic vision has been integrated with the story of the daily work that Iren carries out, made up of closeness to the people, who are constantly called upon to actively collaborate in this construction process.


Francesco Castellone, Director of Communications and External Relations Iren Group


We shape our tomorrow, every day

Every day Iren has an impact on people's lives and the development possibilities of territories. Committing ourselves every day to building a future that is a better place to live well in means addressing issues such as: the circular economy, energy transition, renewable energy, development of territories, support for cities and the centrality of people. 


For Iren, working for the future of the territories means assuming responsibility for a programme that is strongly focused on finding solutions for today, but which at the same time has the ambition of stimulating and accompanying development in a decade that promises to be crucial for transformation and growth. 



Un impegno concreto per la sostenibilità / Manca traduzione

La sostenibilità è un traguardo che Iren vuole raggiungere non solo attraverso la cultura ma anche negli obiettivi del Piano Industriale. Sostenibilità significa prendersi cura del pianeta partendo dai territori e dalle persone che li abitano: gli investimenti del Piano Industriale Iren @2030 sono pensati per migliorare la qualità della vita dei cittadini con nuove forme di generazione e distribuzione di energia, di mobilità elettrica, di efficientamento energetico delle reti e degli edifici.


Il nuovo Piano Industriale Iren @2030 prevede 12,7 miliardi di € di investimenti, di cui l’80% degli investimenti al 2030 dedicati alla transizione ecologica e alla sostenibilità. Un grande impegno, con l’ambizione di essere protagonisti di un momento storico in cui tutti noi, insieme, possiamo agire per fare del futuro un posto in cui sia bello vivere.